Pour even more spirit into your World Cup this year!
32 nations across the planet are currently experiencing unbridled amounts of pride and patriotism, even Germany. Hell, especially Germany.
I was chatting with some people online while watching the Belgium-Algeria match, and we got onto the topic of Trappist monk beer. I proposed a bracket for all the alcohols of each respective country. At first, it was going to be just beer, but a lot of nations don’t really like beer and it’s always fun to see what gets other cultures buzzed. With that in mind, I expanded the bracket to all forms of alcohol.
In my research of each nation’s official or preferred alcohol, I found a nifty list created by the people at FWx/Food and Wine. Read it, it’s descriptive and educational. I used that list and my own research to build the bracket below.
Note: I updated the bracket after Germany won. I’m not clairvoyant.
Download Excel File for Office Pools (compliments of bracketman): 2014 World Cup Excel Worksheet
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